Add additional space for your loved ones
Make the most of your garden and add an annexe for friends or family members.
Why work with Greenfinch?
Adding an annexe to your property can be a great solution for family members, either old or young to have a great space to live with independence but a level of support. Our team has vast experience in the design, planning and permitting of annexes. If you’d like to explore adding an annexe to your home, then get in touch.
What’s the process?
While each project is unique, the majority of projects follow the steps set out, starting with the site review, where we will inform you of the steps required and the likely timeframe. If you are interested in starting a project on your land, download our Domestic Annxes Guide. This outlines the process in more detail and the likely costs.
Our team will review your land to identify potential sites with the best chance of gaining planning approval. We will answer all your questions regarding setup, construction challenges, and likely planning outcomes.
We will also advise if your proposal can be built under permitted development and requirements to meet this.
Additionally, our architects will provide an initial site design for your review.
The planning and design stage will be based on the findings from the site review. This will most likely be a household application as the proposal is within your domestic curtilage.
Everything will be included to ensure your application is determined swiftly.
In most instances, your new holiday units will not require a building warrant application as they are built-to-park home regulations. However, if you proposed a drainage and package treatment plant requires a building warrant application.
We can assist you in submitting this, working alongside you and your preferred drainage/groundworks crew to get your application approved.
It is essential that you have all of your required planning permission and building warrant applications in place before you start work. You will need to arrange for a groundwork company to install the foundations and utility connects for your units. This can be provided by the annexe manufacturer or a third party. Our team can advise you through this process if needed.
At this point, we will leave you in the capable hands of your annexe manufacturer to organise site delivery and installation.